If you're waiting for your children during their sports time, it can sometimes feel like wasted time in between the cheering and encouragement, as you think about the 101 things needing to be done back home. There are a lot of things that you can do to make good use of the time.
- Write thank you notes and letters. Use this time to do some snail mail catching up with family and friends. Take a clipboard to lean on.
- Exercise. Walk around the sports field or back and forth in an area where you can still keep your children in sight. Walk fast, slow, fast for a varied and more interesting pace. Or, if you can slip away and use a gym in the building, do so.
- Catch up with downloaded iPod shows that you have been meaning to catch up on.
- Think about problems that need solving. Take a pad and pen and write down all the solutions that come to mind as you mull them over.
- Phone a family member or friend you haven't had time to talk to for ages.
- Do some reading. If you're studying, read study materials. Or read a novel, a paper, or a favourite magazine.
- Use the time for planning events and future children's activities. This can be a great time to sit back and assess the future events coming up and adding them to your diary, writing lists of things you need to do or get, and to put down reminders of people you need to talk with.
- Catch up with some unfinished hobby work if it's portable. Embroidery, cross-stitch and knitting are great portable projects that you can keep working on during this spare time.
- Paper and pen
- Reading material
- Hobby material
- iPod
- Mobile phone (cell phone)
- Diary
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