Saturday, October 25, 2008

Controlling Vigorous Pond Weed

Pond weed that takes over a pond can sap the life force from it and prevent the fish from thriving and even suffocate them, as well as starving out other plants. It is a really good idea to keep it under control regularly during growing season, to ensure that the pond remains very healthy. This article provides some suggestions for getting started.


  1. Put on gumboots and some good waterproof outdoor work gloves.
  2. Drag out a third of the pond weed. You will need to do this every few weeks during growing season.
  3. Check that you haven't caught any fish in the weed that is been removed. Use a garden knife to break weed that will not pull apart.
  4. Leave the pond weed pulled out to one side of the pond on the ground. Let it sit overnight; this gives any small creatures such as water snails and any insects to go back into the pond.
  5. Throw the weed into the compost bin the next day.
  6. Keep an eye on the pond regularly to check for excessive growth.
  • Gumboots
  • Waterproof gardening gloves
  • Gardening knife
Photo courtesy of Leezie 5's Flickr Photostream.

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