Beetroot is a fabulous winter vegetable that brings a vibrancy to salad and main meal dishes. Selecting quality beetroot is easy if your follow these steps.
- Look for firm beetroot when buying. If it is soft, it is too old to have a good taste and texture.
- Look at the leaves. If you are purchasing beetroot that has leaves (which is preferred), make sure that they are green and not wilted. Yellowed and wilted leaves are a sign that the beetroot has been around too long.
- Select unblemished beetroot with firm roots. Damaged beetroot can be eaten but it will not store well. (Thoughtful Foods)
- Prefer smaller beetroot over larger ones. They are usually sweeter. (Weight Watchers, All About Beetroot)
- Older beetroot tends to have lost its sugars, which turn to starch. This makes the beetroot texture turn "fluffy" and it is less palatable than when it is sweet and new.
- Fresh, unblemished beetroot will store for 10 days or so in a refrigerator crisper. (Taste, Beetroot) Remove the stalks and leaves and keep these in a separate bag (these can be eaten too).
- Beetroots can be eaten raw or cooked.
- Quality vegetable supplier
Taken from my post on wikiHow and Ethical Living. Photo courtesy of Zed.Cat's Flickr Photostream.
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