Friday, September 24, 2010

Harvesting Rosemary for Your Kitchen Use

Dried rosemary in a sachet
When you've got a lovely rosemary bush in the garden, or an abundant one growing in your neighbour's garden, it's worth harvesting it and keeping some in your kitchen for cooking.

Select a fresh and abundant rosemary bush. It's best to harvest on a fine day rather than harvesting wet or moist rosemary. Cut as much as you would like to store.

Create bundles from the cut rosemary. Remove any straggling bits or loose pieces. Tie each bundle together, leaving some of the string or ribbon dangling. Hang the bundles up in a dry, dark, and well ventilated space to dry. It'll take a few weeks to dry completely.

Untie the dried rosemary and run your hand down each stem to remove the individual rosemary leaves. Capture the leaves on baking paper or a chopping board and tip into a storage jar using a funnel.

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