Monday, December 22, 2008

Growing Kiwifruit

Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) is originally from China and is also known as Chinese gooseberry. It is both edible and ornamental and grows as a vine that is vigorous and strong. If you are keen on growing it at home, be sure to have supporting space. Here are some tips for growing it.

  1. Erect a strong support about 2 metres high. This will also need to have some good width, to support th spread of the vine and its weight with fruit.
  2. Purchase a male and a female plant. You will need both to be able to produce fruit.
  3. Plant in full sun in rich soil that is well-drained. Kiwifruit do not like having dry feet, so be sure to keep well watered during the warmer months.
  4. Protect kiwifruit plants from strong winds and from frost. Provide a sheltered area if this is a problem.
  5. Prune the male plant after it flowers in late spring. Prune the female plant in winter. The fruit arises from new growth, so it is important to prune back any old wood that has already borne fruit.
Prune heavily to control the overall size of each plant.

  • Male kiwifruit plant and female kiwifruit plant
  • Good support materials
  • Fertiliser
  • Pruning equipment

Photo courtesy of Rengber's Flickr Photostream.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lavender Breath Freshener

Lavender breath freshener is a non-toxic way to keep your breath smelling fresh. Before starting this preparation, be sure to have clean hands.

  • 1 tbsp lavender flowers
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar/confectioner's sugar
  • 2-3 drops lavender oil
  • 1 egg white, whisked

Mix the ingredients together until smooth.
Select small portions of the mixture. Roll into small balls about the size of a pea.
Set aside on a sheet of baking paper or a china plate. Allow to dry for 24 hours, or until firm.
Store in an air-tight container or wrap in wax paper for taking with you.
Chew when needed. A delicious taste and aroma of lavender will fill your mouth.

  • If egg white causes you concern, substitute with honey or other syrup. Make sure you buy fresh eggs from a reputable seller.
  • Always use organic lavender flowers when consuming them; provided you have used natural garden sprays in your garden, the flowers will be fine for use.

Supplies Needed
  • Mixing bowl
  • Sheet of baking paper or a china plate
  • Air-tight container or wax paper

Photo courtesy of AudreyJM529's Flickr Photostream.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

How to Make a Rose and Oatmeal Bath Mix

Rose and oatmeal are the perfect bath combination. Oatmeal is soothing to the skin and rose is uplifting. Rose essential oil is used for its anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating qualities.

  • 5 cups of oats
  • Essential oil of rose
  • Rose petals (fresh)(optional)

  1. Place the oats in the blender. Blend until the oats become finely ground.
  2. Put the oats into the item of choice for containing the oats. Tie together with a ribbon or string.
  3. Attach the ribbon or string to the tap (faucet) as close under the spigot as possible. Allow warm water to run into the bath, moving through the oat bag.
  4. Add 2 - 3 drops of the rose oil direct to the bathwater and swirl around.
  5. Add the rose petals.
  6. Enjoy a luxurious bath.

  • Blender
  • Cheesecloth, coffee paper filter, sachet bag etc. - any suitable item to hold the oats mixture
  • Ribbon or string; needs to be long enough to hang from tap (faucet)
Photo courtesy of Athena's Pix Flickr Photostream.