Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lavender Breath Freshener

Lavender breath freshener is a non-toxic way to keep your breath smelling fresh. Before starting this preparation, be sure to have clean hands.

  • 1 tbsp lavender flowers
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar/confectioner's sugar
  • 2-3 drops lavender oil
  • 1 egg white, whisked

Mix the ingredients together until smooth.
Select small portions of the mixture. Roll into small balls about the size of a pea.
Set aside on a sheet of baking paper or a china plate. Allow to dry for 24 hours, or until firm.
Store in an air-tight container or wrap in wax paper for taking with you.
Chew when needed. A delicious taste and aroma of lavender will fill your mouth.

  • If egg white causes you concern, substitute with honey or other syrup. Make sure you buy fresh eggs from a reputable seller.
  • Always use organic lavender flowers when consuming them; provided you have used natural garden sprays in your garden, the flowers will be fine for use.

Supplies Needed
  • Mixing bowl
  • Sheet of baking paper or a china plate
  • Air-tight container or wax paper

Photo courtesy of AudreyJM529's Flickr Photostream.

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