Monday, March 31, 2008

Rose Petal Jam

Rose petal jam is synonymous with dainty afternoon tea parties and is a delightful for jam for breakfast too. If you are lucky enough to have access to rose petals from the garden, this jam is a very special way to make use of them. Make sure to use petals that haven't been sprayed with anything toxic before using them.

  • 3 cups water
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 250g rose petals, organic (unsprayed) and clean
  • 2 lemons, juiced
  1. Check that the petals are clean. Wash and dry any petals that are not.
  2. Put the petals into a bowl. Add 1.5 cups of the sugar and stir. As you stir, crush the sugar into the rose petals.
  3. Leave the crushed petal mixture to stand overnight. The rose essence will imbue the sugar, leaving a dainty rose flavour. Cover with a clean teatowel or similar cover to prevent dust etc. from settling on the petal mixture.
  4. Combine the remaining sugar, water and lemon juice with the petal mixture the following day. Stir together until the new ingredients are dissolved.
  5. In a heavy-based saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil gradually. This must be a very slow process, in order to release the aroma of the rose and soften the petals.
  6. Simmer until setting point is reached.
  7. Store in a clean, sterilised glass container and keep in the fridge. Use within one month of making.
Items Needed
  • Bowl
  • Mixing implement
  • Teatowel, clean for cover
  • Heavy-based saucepan

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