Commercial air freshener sprays are not healthy; they contain toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your health. Moreover, the versions that require electricity to power them are also a wasteful source of energy usage that is simply unnecessary. Here are some ways to freshen your inside air without resorting to the chemicals.
- Open the windows. Whenever it is possible, keep windows open to allow stale air out and fresh new air to circulate through your home.
- Use vinegar to soak up unpleasant odours. Place dishes of vinegar in the kitchen to remove cooking odours. Place vinegar in areas where people have been smoking.
- Scent the air using boiling fragrances. A mixture of spices or coffee can be used to imbue the air with pleasant scents. Try a mixture of cinnamon and cloves or just plain coffee. Baking bread also sends an excellent odour through a home if you have the time and inclination.
- Remove the stink of a garbage can with a sprinkling of 1/2 cup borax at the base. This will prevent bad odours caused by bacterial and mould growth.
- Place potpourri around the house. Make your own or purchase good quality potpourri. Place in bowls in cupboards, on mantelpieces, in windowsills and on coffee tables.